<<Artists on stage move in a world of their own through the magic of music, but they live in the same world as all of us, enjoying the same beauties of Nature, visiting the same places, and often sharing our same passions.
We have asked our guest artistes at the Stresa Festival to slow down and stop a moment, to give themselves a few hours to appreciate the splendors of Stresa and Lake Maggiore. We have also asked them to spend a few hours with our public – just a few dozen appointments, booked in advance.
These unusual appointments have been assembled like an Album, to be added to the musical experience of the Festival. You will have a chance to stroll in stunningly beautiful gardens, take a boat trip on the Lake, join in a chat on a terrace, or climb a mountain at dawn with the stars of the Festival, to listen to stories and anecdotes, their experiences, and quite possibly a few bars of improvisation!
But that’s not all – passions, like great cuisine, Ferrari, or architecture can take the shape of surprising musical experiences such as a rehearsal together for amateur musicians, or listening to an old vinyl record played on a spectacular hi-fi installation.
Our great artistes will step down from the stage at the Stresa Festival to give you a page to put in your album – music, art and the beauties of Nature around us>>.

Mario Brunello

The 2024 Albums will feature:

  • Simone Locarni
  • Gianmaria Aliverta
  • Giovanni Antonini
  • Yulianna Avdeeva
  • Trio Chagall

Fuori Festival

  • Sun 18-08 | afternoon
    Vieni alla prova?

  • Fri 06-09 | afternoon

Incontri 2024

Incontro con Nicola Piovani

Dom 16-07 | 10:30
Sky Bar dell’Hotel La Palma a Stresa

Incontro con Billi Brass Quintet

Merc 26-07 | 11:00
Campino, La Rampolina

Incontro con Teho Teardo

Sab 29-07 | dopo concerto
Lov di Stresa

Incontro con Mario Brunello

Mer 23-08 e gio 24-08 | prima del concerto
Eremo di Santa Caterina del Sasso a Leggiuno

Incontro con Alëna Baeva

Dom 27-08 | 10:30
Giardino Botanico Alpinia a Stresa

Incontro con Lucienne Renaudin Vary e Félicien Brut

Saluto all’alba
Lun 28-08 | 6:30
Sass Dal Pizz

Incontro con Sergey Malov

In bici
Merc 30-08 | 10:00

Incontro con Trio Metamorphosi

Minus one e musicisti amatoriali
Gio 31-08 | 10:30
Chiesa di Sant’Ambrogio di Stresa

Incontro con Barbican Quartet

Minus one e musicisti amatoriali
Gio 31-08 | 15:30
Villa Chiesa di San Vittore all’Isola dei Pescatoridi Verbania

Incontro con Angela Hewitt

...e altri ancora
Mer 06-09 | 11:00
Villa Taranto di Verbania

Associazione Settimane Musicali di Stresa
Festival Internazionale
Via Carducci, 38
28838 Stresa (VB)
ph. +39 0323 31095
fax +39 0323 33006
C.F. e P.IVA 00229020037
Email: info@stresafestival.eu
Pec: settimanemusicali@cgn.legalmail.it

Box Office: find out the opening hours!

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