Young people, young music.
The musical needs of young people: from the acoustic guitar to electronic music until to the ‘barcassa’ with Sollima.
Isola Young, What do young people want from music?
The young folk at Stresa Festival Young have thought up a program that highlights the music young listeners want today.
You can’t get away from the electric guitar in the first two concerts signed young.
Anna Castiglia’s talent was noticed not only when she appeared in X-Factor, but it was mainly her originality and desire to ‘emerge’ that was striking in this world that seems to unify itself mainly around rap and trap.
The internationally-acclaimed American guitar virtuoso Trace Bundy must be seen, not just heard. His music is poetry in motion, using harmonics, looping, multiple capos, and his unique banter and stage presence combine to deliver an unforgettable live concert experience. Listening to his intricate arrangements is one thing, but seeing the “Acoustic Ninja” play live confounds even the most accomplished music lovers as to how one person can do all that with just two hands and ten fingers.
The young members of the Associazione Stresa Festival Young had a bright idea!
They accepted a historic musical suggestion from the Stresa region. It was Stresa that saw the birth of electronic music with the duo of Christina Moser and Maurizio Arcieri, who had been working on it for years with a view to ‘manipulating’ electronic music and mixing different traces, through a new language.
This was an interesting innovative approach in the Sixties, developed in a wood, their home, which is now the venue the Young chose for their three July concerts. Now known as the Bosco Sonoro, it is the symbol of this bridge linking past and future to the origins, roots and local history.
With the arrival of disco music, and a London punk break, the style swiftly turned to avantgarde electronic experimentation, new wave and synth pop, with obsessive rhythms – almost progressive – considered pioneeristic in Italian musical circles. Close attention was paid to visual aspects of the music (look and videos). After the ‘80s the music style shifted again to techno dance.
Krisma TV is a project thought up by Bienoise, who defines himself a laptop composer and who celebrates the anomalous new wave imagined by Krisma, a well-known Italian electropop band.
Alberto Ricca composes computer music, with a close focus on non-musical elements – noise, mistakes, and the music ‘buried’ in them – and stimulating aware listening and contemplation.
Emanuele (Aldo) Battaglia, a lover of wooden boats, is the inventive creator and builder of the barcassa. Aldo is a dentist whose hobby is carpentry, and his story goes like this: “Sea-going folk say that a perfect boat resembles a violin, so I wondered why shouldn’t I play one really.” Between applause and perplexity, his creation has now taken form, encouraged by Mario Brunello and Giovanni Sollima who believed in the project immediately.
The “Santa Lucia” – as the object has been baptised, is known as a nassarola (a traditional fishing boat in the Catania coastal area) and it was built in Catania in 2005 after a visit to the Venice Lagoon. The idea to convert it to an eccentric musical instrument was suggested by Milo Manara, a well-known comic-strip artist, and it evokes similarities in the Venetian dialect related to music. Without the open-mindedness of Brunello and Sollima the project could have collapsed at any moment. “It is thanks to broad-minded artists like them that I carried on until it was completed”.
Giovanni Sollima will play for the first time a piece for the barcassa with cello, that he composed spcially for Stresa Festival.